Saturday, January 24, 2009

Changing the world?

Can one person change the world?
But can one person make a difference for one other person?

I'm not stupid - I know that there's no way that I can change the world on my own. But I've recently been hugely convicted about the massive levels of poverty and suffering in the world we live in.

I've been reading a book by James Orbinski, the former president of Medecins Sans Frontieres called an imperfect offering (

And it's a gripping, challenging and highly moving read. As well as that, God's really been moving in my heart about the poverty and inequality in the world.

We're all called to do something about it. It's no good sitting at home, waiting for someone else to come and solve the world for us. Jesus commands us to love each other as we love ourselves, and this is not something we can ignore.

I'm not sure how yet, but there is something that I am supposed to do to help solve the world.

Big or small, it will make the difference for those few who I can reach.

And if we all felt like this, think of the possibilities...

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